

The New Science of Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, and Prediction

October, 2013

Cover of the book showing in the upper left corner a head generating circles of the mind, the title of the book and the name of the publisher John Brockman
  • Daniel Kahneman on the power (and pitfalls) of human intuition and “unconscious” thinking.
  • Daniel Gilbert on desire, prediction, and why getting what we want doesn’t always make us happy.
  • Nassim Nicholas Taleb on the limitations of statistics in guiding decision-making.
  • Vilayanur Ramachandran on the scientific underpinnings of human nature.
  • Simon Baron-Cohen on the startling effects of testosterone on the brain.
  • Daniel C. Dennett on decoding the architecture of the “normal” human mind.
  • Sarah-Jayne Blakemore on mental disorders and the crucial developmental phase of adolescence.
  • Jonathan Haidt, Sam Harris, and Roy Baumeister on the science of morality, ethics, and the emerging synthesis of evolutionary and biological thinking.
  • Gerd Gigerenzer on rationality and what informs our choices.